Friday night geekery and movies

Well sick Friday is still sick. I went a little stircrazy this afternoon and decided to go to the store. I needed Day/Nyquil and wanted more water in the house. Lets just say I kind of wished I'd picked up the phone and bugged one of the local gang to do me a favor. Oh well. Decided to spoil myself with Chinese food delivery. Yay Chinese food.

Been watching movies as usual, did get some geeking done. I built a VM a while back to do some experiments with ZFS, a filesystem that allows live adjustments to the size of the filesystem, among many other things. But I haven't bothered to do more than the basic OS install due to lack of energy/brain cells. Tonight, I found a good 'Dummy's guide to ZFS' and started playing. After a few minutes I had it doing all I wanted, just needed my brain to kick in. That whole "I have half a clue and a Wikipedia article..." spirit I've missed, it decided to show up tonight. Yay me.

Currently watching 'The Sentinel' a horror movie from the 70's. Weird flick, weird things after a model with issues moves into an old brownstone apartment. Epic settings, an all-star cast, and some of the weirdest acting I've ever seen in a movie. Oh yeah, and one pissed off cat made to wear a birthday hat. I'm not sure if I like it or not, I know I want to live in the brownstone. I'm sure Dagon would have a word with the demons in the basement. *grin*

So that's my evening. Probably going to stay up a little later than I have been, and hopefully will sleep though the night. No plans for tomorrow, we'll see how I feel tomorrow. I really want to be back to normal for next week. I have stuff to do, like get a job *wink* So wish me luck on feeling human, and I'll catch you all later.

Fhtagn Friday

Still sick, had trouble sleeping thanks to being clogged up. Finally gave up on trying to sleep. Got up, cooked some breakfast and started day 2 of the Star Wars rewatch.

Not happy with being sick, but better now than say in a week or two in the middle of job hunting. *sigh* Was wanting to be somewhat social this weekend, but we'll see how I feel. Rather not give anyone my germs.

Not much else to speak of, weird dream about British apartments and chips that were actually mashed, with something like jello as a topping. I fear my brain...but I want steak fries now.

Not much else...well I do have things to say, but my brain is fuzzy and the words aren't coming out. So I'll call this a post, and write more later when I feel better. Ciao hominids.

Star Wars Rewatch: Part I

Well, with the upcoming Episode VII I'd been watching to rewatch all 6 movies. So, today I watched I-III. And I had some thoughts. Note, I'm not going into a rant about what was wrong with them, life is too short to be negative, and there are good things about the prequel trilogy.

Lets start with, so many lightsabre fights. Probably my favorite single thing growing up with the Original trilogy was the lightsabres, I blame them for my life long facination with all things sword related. And we get duels in spades. I've always said I'd one day make a fancut of all the lightsaber duels and just watch that... Yes, they're not realistic. I don't care, they're epic.

Next, the Sith. Yes, Vader was epicly scary and evil, especially when I was 5 and seeing A New Hope in the theater. I liked that they didn't try to make the other Sith Vader clones. Maul was scarily intense, what if a being spent pretty much it's entire life studying to be a weapon, that's Maul. Count Dooku has Sir Christopher Lee showing charm, style and panache...while still being the bad guy. And Emperor Palpatine when he shows his true colors, he is terrifying. He's a monster in the way all the others are not, and radiates evil in a way you rarely see in movies. He's not cheesy, he's not insane, he's evil. Corrupting, dark and ruthless.

And to provide balance...there's Yoda. He's more than just the mentor who talks funny. He teaches the youngsters and appears to be good with kids (he is their size), which made perfect sense. He also is a bad-ass. One of my running jokes has been 'The shorter and older the martial artist, the better he is'. Well Yoda was 900 years old and less than 3 feet tall... you do the math. *grin* Also, I liked the banter between Obi-Wan and Anakin in II and II, especially III. Dry wit, sarcasm, and the kind of snark that can only happen to people who have been friends for years. Which made the final battle on Mustafar actually seem to be more than just a fight.

So that's my thoughts about the prequel. It wasn't perfect, and in some spots was quite painful, but I think they're still worth watching. I'll give the Original Trilogy a watch later on, and I'll report my thoughts. Until then, may the Force be with you.

Finally October

Still sick, wheezy. Slept mostly through the night, with odd dreams about my past. Woke up ahead of my alarm, mostly wide awake. Tried to stay in bed, but gave up quick.

Took my meds, ate breakfast, and I've mostly decided to treat this week as a wash. I feel like arse, and I have little focus. So I'm just going to take it easy.

On the plus side, it's October finally. Best month of the year. Horror movies and scary books and cool temperatures and my spawning day and stuff. So yay for the month of Halloween.

That's about it, wish me luck on feeling better. *cough cough, wheeze*