Fhtagn Friday

Still sick, had trouble sleeping thanks to being clogged up. Finally gave up on trying to sleep. Got up, cooked some breakfast and started day 2 of the Star Wars rewatch.

Not happy with being sick, but better now than say in a week or two in the middle of job hunting. *sigh* Was wanting to be somewhat social this weekend, but we'll see how I feel. Rather not give anyone my germs.

Not much else to speak of, weird dream about British apartments and chips that were actually mashed, with something like jello as a topping. I fear my brain...but I want steak fries now.

Not much else...well I do have things to say, but my brain is fuzzy and the words aren't coming out. So I'll call this a post, and write more later when I feel better. Ciao hominids.

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