Tomorrow it begins

Last day before I start at new job. Plan was to get up early to help set my sleep schedule. Instead I slept in under blankets. Got up after a loud thump from upstairs. My neighbors worry me some days.

I'm chilling out at home, watching 'Silence of the Lambs' right now. Not sure what else I'll do today. May continue with the Hannibal the Cannibal run, may start some other comfort flicks.

I'm probably going to be pretty disconnected for the upcoming week, at least compared to the last while. I'll probably post stuff at night when I get done with the work day, but I don't know how caught up I'll get online. Trying to keep with being professional and stuff.

Otherwise, I've kind of given myself a mulligan on this week for goals and stuff. The focus is the job, and taking care of myself post job. Not much else to say right now. Going to be quiet and calm and hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly.

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