Time off for good behavior

3.5 day weekend. (Boss's boss told us we could cut out at 2pm, as long as someone was available for coverage) Came home, been watching movies and watching the alert system and company chat software. Haven't even fired up the VM I use to access work. My kind of start to a long weekend.

Head is healing nicely, went back by the dentist yesterday to verify crown coloring, and I got a 5 min exam. I'm healing nicely, not in much pain at all, all is going ok right now. So that's a plus. Speaking of medical foo, I never mentioned how the insurance foo with the TMS worked out. The answer is no, I don't get it. They worked it into a Catch-22 situation that I'm not ever going to qualify for. So, I've conceded that fight, luckily my new med is doing a decent job all things considered. Also, speaking of medical foo, I start my allergy shots come Tuesday AM. That's going to be a ton of fun, but if it helps my crazy sinuses, I'll take it. Glad I'm not afraid of needles.

Weekend plans are vague, usual Friday night hermiting. Tomorrow and Monday I'm spending part of it helping Amythest with the yearly packing of the classroom. Sunday is probably another hermit/chores day. Nothing wild or crazy, but that's ok. Quiet really does sound good right now. And with that, I'll settle down to some horror movies and relaxing. Catch you all later.

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