Glad it’s Friday

Not doing so hot. Woke up to possible really good news yesterday, but as the day wore on, I wore down. Finally post dinner I just decided to go hide in a book. The book had a good premise, killer gene-engineered octopus runs amok. But the non-monster story line was convoluted, had too many plot twists, and way too much discussion of Texas Hold 'em poker. And not enough octopus attacks. That being said, I was amused, and it was part of Kindle Unlimited. Then I went to sleep...or tried. Was down, couldn't get my brain to shut up. Finally dozed off, and I had weird, unsettling dreams. Got up this morning, got showered, took my meds, etc. I have some errands to run, but I'll do them closer to dinner time, as I think I'm going to treat myself to some Chinese take out.

Mood is pretty blah, nothing specific just lack of sleep, and lack of tentacles. Hoping today will be better. If nothing else, it's Friday... and Fridays are always better. Catch you all later.

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