Oh ye dreaming gods!

(editor's note: wrote this this morning...)

Why the fhtagn am I awake ? Oh yeah, crazed dreams and acid reflux. *sigh* Do not want. At least the crazed dreams were amusing. Eerie Von from Samhain/Danzig, and Doyle Frankenstein from the Misfits had formed a band that did covers of early Danzig tunes. And movie theaters were electrocuting people. Got out of bed after the last one...as my acid reflux was killing me.

So I'm sorta awake. Balanced the bank accounts, figured out an update I kicked off last night crashed and burned. Note to self ZFS works fine under Linux, but it makes kernel updates...quirky. That's a good work for it. Not sure if I'm going to try to go back to sleep, or just start the day off at 6am. Ugg.

Yeah, I probably should go back to bed. reflux is subsiding, the pissy VM has been placated. *sigh* We'll see. But that's about all I have to say this am. Hope people got more/better sleep than me, and I'll catch you all later.

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