More active dreams

Yet more overly active dreams, at least they were more my style. In one I was helping transfer squid from one tank to another. I'm fairly sure they were Humbolts, as they were as long as I am tall, and red, and unthrilled with being mammal handled. Don't know why, maybe it's a sign I should swap careers from Shoggoth Wrangling to Squid Schelping. The other dream I remember was I was with a bunch of scientists, looking into a desert area that had some kind of Mythos reference. Again odd, but better than stress dreams.

Going to head up to hang out with friends this afternoon. Tomorrow is going to see 'Crimson Peak', and Sunday is the usual. Then it's another week. Blargh. On the plus side, I'm really enjoying 'The Madness of Cthulhu: Vol 2'. I may not always agree with Joshi's opinions, but boy can he pick some good stories.

Ok, time to eat lunch, and head out to visit friends. Catch you all later.

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