Clothes shopping: accomplished

Well, clothes shopping went ok. 1 dress shirt, 2 polos, 2 pairs of slacks, 2 sets of cargo pants (sale), 1 tie *shudder*, 1 belt and a skeleton. Amazing what you can get at Walmart, though I don't think the skeleton is real, it is only 20" tall *wink* One of the items on my 'someday' wish list is get a quality anatomical skeleton for decoration purposes. I've been a skeleton fan since I was a kid, I blame D&D and Ray Harryhausen. So I had a weird check out, a tie and a skeleton in the same bag. (The tie is scarier). Oddly I couldn't find regular cotton tshirts, and only a few polos. Oh well, tshirts are pretty safe to buy online, so Amazoning I go.

After wally world, I grabbed some donuts from Dunkin' Donuts due to random craving, then I stopped by one of the Halloween stores to go walking around. Didn't get anything, though I was tempted to get a zombie squirrel. But, I was good, I did buy a skeleton after all *wink* Then I went to the mall and did my walking. Made goal, and caught up on my weekly goal, go me. Came home, got mail, unloaded and now I'm vegging. Will cook up dinner in a while. Also came up with inspiration for a Halloween costume that won't cost me anything, and fits the theme of 'fantasy' (not that kind you pervs). Yes, there will be pictures (probably).

So yeah, it's been a busy day. But things got done, and I'm still feeling good (even if my pant size is incrementing up again). Oh well, that's life here at Château Innsmouth. Catch you all tomorrow when we pray that my oil change is just an oil change.

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