Tuesday of the Weird

Tuesday of the weird, luckily it's a good weird. Woke up before my alarm, went walking in the neighborhood of Château Innsmouth. Did chores, went to the store, came home. Been watching the two versions of 'The Exorcist' prequel, trying to decide which is less bad. (I don't think either could count as good). So far, 'Exorcist: The Beginning' is in the lead with the line "Having orgies including goats doesn't make them possessed. Simply horny... and inventive" - Father Merrin. *laugh*

*time passes*
Ok, I finished up the movie while writing this (and not writing this, focus is kind of shot). And I actually prefer 'The Beginning' over 'Dominion'. Not because it's a better movie, but it's a better horror/ exorcism movie. Dominion has a better plot, more detailed back story and less random cruft in it, in general a better over all movie. But 'The Beginning' is generally creepier, had a better exorcism scene, and had more of a explanation of why the church itself was a big deal. Plus, more Pazuzu. And in the end, really...all you need is Pazuzu.

Really not much else going on. Still staring at the bits of my resume, occasionally making 'go together gestures' at it. I'm probably going to take my car in for an oil change this week as well, since I have time. Need to also move some cabling around, so Cthylla stops overloading the UPS she's on, and probably other things to do that I'll come up with. Weekend is for celebrating. Zoo, and dinner and friends, should be fun.

Coming up on my spawning day also means I need to look at my resolutions for the last year, and come up with a new set. I really didn't get many accomplished, or much progression. Oh well, it's not like this last year was anything resembling calm. Maybe that's the focus for 42, being calmer. Who knows. *sigh*

Ok, that's enough rambling. Have a good night, and may Pazuzu only flap his wings at you *wink*

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