The stars are setting on Château Innsmouth

As of yesterday I have the keys to my new apartment. I've moved some token books and art over there to claim it as 'mine'. Tomorrow Spectrum is moving my internets over to the new place. I'll move some more stuff, including clothes and some kitchen stuff, since I'll be splitting my time between the two places til Monday, when the movers move my stuff. This weekend I'll be moving my computer gear myself, along with some more Mythos stuff (some things I don't trust to movers). Sunday I'll be finishing up the packing/move prepping and staying the last night here. Monday they move my stuff, then I start putting things together. Tuesday is recovering, and probably driving back here and getting things left behind. Wednesday is back to work.

I'll be getting new bookcases, the number depends on how many of my old ones survive the move (some of them are old, others aren't terribly solid), and some other furniture and items depending on how the moving budget looks after well, moving. Then it's get my stuff out of boxes and in place, and make it into a home. We'll see how that goes.

I'll be mostly internet-less after tomorrow morning til either I get my rig set up, or until I fully move. I plan to do a bunch of reading when I'm not actively doing move related stuff. So wish me luck, hopefully my next post will be from my new location, nickname has yet to be determined. Laters cultists.