Books, books and dreams of books

Well last night's sleep was kind of demented. Stayed up reading a quasi-random book pickup that's turned into an epic Lovecraftian conspiracy novel. Decided to pause at about 2/3rd of the through, since I was pooped, and I wanted to savor the last reveals. Went to sleep, and had some bizarro dreams. I mentioned one on Facebook, where either Daniel Harms referred to me as a 'poor man's Kenneth Hite' or Kenneth Hite referred to me as a 'poor man's Daniel Harms;. Either way, I'll take the compliment. Other dreams in the series was going to the ur-Bookstore. That's what I call a recurring bookstore in my dreams. It's huge, more like a book mall, laid out in a labyrinth of rooms, halls and displays. I'm never looking for anything in particular, I'm just wandering looking at stuff. And I found a new, basement section of historical docs and manuscripts and other oddball stuff. But I had to go outside to get to the basement entrance, and suddenly it was Arctic winter and I was dressed for Texas. Brrr. Then the entrance was locked and I was getting colder and colder. Then I realized I was dreaming, but my brain said 'so what' and I was stuck trying to find a way out of the cold, or to wake up. Lucid Dreaming roll, 00. I was boned. Woke up eventually, and decided I didn't want to give my subconscious any more run time.

Got up, got moving. I've spilled my pills twice today, I got the bathroom floor mopped, but my sinuses are now unthrilled. I was going to do a store run, but I really rather just avoid humanity for the moment. Watching a weird 70's martial arts assassin flick, with really cheesy fight scenes. Once that's done, I'll probably work on general cleaning. Not putting the bookshelf together, my electric screwdriver/drill is dead, I've found that manually screwing around = crappy bookshelves. So I'll either have to borrow one from a friend, or go get another one.

Ok, just went and picked some stuff in the bedroom, and I'm going to flop some more. Don't think I'm leaving the house. I can always order a pizza... in fact I may do that very soon. Take care everyone. *sniffle*