Stuff and Things

Saturday got rolling after a while. I updated all the server and Ubuntu based VMs, watched all 3 Conan movies, and setup wordpress on my new site. I finally also worked out a work flow that will allow up to update wordpress posts via a CLI, using Vim. That was most of the last hour, hacking away at vim plugins and trying to find the path of least GUIness. So this post is kind of a test of the usable workflow, write up a post in LJ, save it to LJ, open the post via vim, remove the bits of html code I use, mostly line breaks, and post up to wordpress. A bit of a kludge, but since I'm not a developer, it will have to do.

Also, in the 'hey lets change stuff' theme of this last week, I updated the Mate theme I use on Dagon and Hydra, 'Green Submarine'. It's a nice dark green theme, which works well given my workstation names and general color. I've used the same theme for years and years, but I guess it's time to change everythging up in my life *wink*

Dinner has been made (chicken taquitos) and eaten. Mood has definitely improved, getting stuff done = a goodness. The new website is coming along, assuming this post works I'll be ready to 'unveil' it in the upcoming week. (It's not a big deal, but it's something I've been thinking of doing for some time). Ok, I'll call this a post. Which me luck on testing.

(edit: it worked just fine I think.)

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