Start of the Week

Well it's Monday. Slept mostly solid, had very detailed dreams that I only remember a smidge of, some kind of fantasy world that came after an apocalypse on this world. See works by Saberhagen, Brooks and S.M. Stirling, among many others. Woke up right before my alarm, got up, futz around the apartment for a bit, then went to the store for some staples. Came home, called about my 401k foo, re-learned to hate phone trees. Should be taken care of though. Now to do dishes and laundry, and other foo. Mood is kind of lousy however. Still don't feel great, am very unmotivated, and generally blah. Oh well, at least I can get chores done for the day. That's something at least. Guess I'll catch you all later. Have a good one.

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